
Nature | 气候如何影响人类起源?


文章信息:Axel Timmermann, Kyung-Sook Yun, Pasquale Raia, et al. (2022). Climateeffects on archaic human habitats and species successions. Nature, 604(7906): 495-501. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-022-04600-9.



AbstractIt has long been believed that climate shifts during the last 2 million years had a pivotal role in the evolution of our genusHomo. However, given the limited number of representative palaeo-climate datasets from regions of anthropological interest, it has remained challenging to quantify this linkage. Here, we use an unprecedented transient Pleistocene coupled general circulation model simulation in combination with an extensive compilation of fossil and archaeological records to study the spatiotemporal habitat suitability for five hominin species over the past 2 million years. We show that astronomically forced changes in temperature, rainfall and terrestrial net primary production had a major impact on the observed distributions of these species. During the Early Pleistocene, hominins settled primarily in environments with weak orbital-scale climate variability. This behaviour changed substantially after the mid-Pleistocene transition, when archaic humans became global wanderers who adapted to a wide range of spatial climatic gradients. Analysis of the simulated hominin habitat overlap from approximately 300–400 thousand years ago further suggests that antiphased climate disruptions in southern Africa and Eurasia contributed to the evolutionary transformation of Homo heidelbergensis populations into Homo sapiens and Neanderthals, respectively. Our robust numerical simulations of climate-induced habitat changes provide a framework to test hypotheses on our human origin.


图 人类物种生境适宜性

非洲-欧亚大陆的物种分布,由Mahalanobis距离模型计算得出,使用四维气候包络数据,即2Ma(方法)模拟的地形降尺度温度、降水和NPP变化(植物净初级生产力)以及化石和考古遗址的位置和年代(补充表1)。覆盖各自人类存在时期的时间平均栖息地适宜性(蓝色到白色阴影)可以用概率(方法)来解释,其值从0(栖息地不适宜)到1(栖息地极其适宜)。彩色的圆圈代表化石的位置和/或与五个人类群体有关的考古文物。f-i, 前移(蓝色)和偏心(f)的时间序列,以及在选定的具有考古意义的地点模拟的哈比利斯人和埃加斯特人(被共同视为非洲早期智人)、海德堡人和智人的区域生境适宜性(g-i)。一个4°×4°的平均区域的中心位置包括杰贝尔依罗人(北纬34度,西经4度),图尔卡纳湖附近的一个区域(北纬0度,东经34度) 和布隆伯斯洞窟(南纬34°,东经21°)。

图 化石的生境重叠、演替和地理分布



c, 通过对2Ma NPP数据的平均选择使用NPP(方法),在化石地点周围6°×6°的范围内,根据各自的化石年代,探究每个化石和考古地点(彩色圆圈)。圆圈的大小代表了与非洲中东部(北纬4度,东经36度)一个网格点的大圆圈(Haversine)距离,更大的圆圈表示更接近这个位置。



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