
PNAS | 2017 计算机视觉揭示了城市物理变化的预测因素


文章信息:Nikhil Naik, Scott Duke Kominers, Ramesh Raskar, Edward L. Glaeser, & César A. Hidalgo. (2017). Computer vision uncovers predictors of physical urban change. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 114(29), 7571–7576. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1619003114



Abstract:Cities with economic and demographic data and find three factors that predict neighborhood improvement. First, neighborhoods that are densely populated by college-educated adults are more likely to experience physical improvements—an observation that is compatible with the economic literature linking human capital and local success. Second, neighborhoods with better initial appearances experience, on average, larger positive improvements—an observation that is consistent with “tipping” theories of urban change. Third, neighborhood improvement correlates positively with physical proximity to the central business district and to other physically attractive neighborhoods—an observation that is consistent with the “invasion” theories of urban sociology. Together, our results provide support for three classical theories of urban change and illustrate the value of using computer vision methods and street-level imagery to understand the physical dynamics of cities.


图 计算街道变化

(A)我们使用基于两个图像特征的回归模型计算街道评分,这是衡量街景感知安全性的指标:GIST和texton地图。我们根据四个对象类别(地面、建筑物、树木和天空)的像素计算这些特征,这些特征是使用语义分割推断出来的。(B-D)我们将街区的街道变化计算为2007年和2014年拍摄的一对图像的街道分数之差。(B) 街道变化指标不受季节和天气变化的影响。(C) 大型积极的街道变化通常与大型建筑有关。(D) 大规模的负面街道变化与城市衰败有关。插图由谷歌股份有限公司提供。

图 邻里倾斜的证据


图 社区物理升级的相关因素



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