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学术活动 | 回顾:Exploring Cultural Heritage of River Basin was successfully held


On 9 November 2021, the River Basin Cultural Heritage Seminar was held online. This seminar, which was sponsored by the College of Architecture and Landscape and the School of Archaeology and Museology (Peking University, China) as well as the Department of Archaeology (University of Cambridge, UK), co-sponsored by Watershed Spatial Planning Academic Committee, Urban Planning Society of China (UPSC), aimed to establish international academic communication to support cultural heritage and archaeological work in the UK and China.


The seminar was supported by several institutions and various people. It was hosted by Prof. Fang Wang’s team from Peking University and organized by the NSFC-DFG Sino-German Cooperation Group on Urbanization and Locality (Peking University) and UNESCO World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (Beijing). Prof. Fang Wang is also a member of academic working committee of the UPSC, as well as the sponsor of Watershed Spatial Planning Academic Committee. Prof. Ruiwen Shen, Prof. Nan Shi (Executive Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the UPSC),Prof. Bin Lv (Vice President of the UPSC), Prof. Marie Louise Stig Sorensen, and Dr Yun Li gave opening addresses. Prof. Changchun Feng(standing director of the UPSC, one of the co-sponsors of Watershed Spatial Planning Academic Committee) and Prof. Marie Louise Stig Sorensen cooperated to chair the seminar.

The seminar, which was presented in English and Chinese simultaneously, was livestreamed and was watched by around 10,000 people. The event has been since reported by the official website and official microblog of Peking University, the Chinese and English versions of Chinese Social Science Today, since the seminar coincided with the Chinese government’s current attention on support for Chinese archaeology and heritage, and the Cambridge Heritage Research Centre Bulletin. It was also recommended by Built Heritage and Heritage Architecture (WeChat Subscription). Furthermore, the seminar provided a great opportunity for scholars from China and the UK to learn more about each other and exchange ideas about cultural heritage in relation to river basin environments.

Author:Lin Shiting(University of Cambridge),Yang Yiming(Peking University)

Contributed by Watershed Spatial Planning Academic Committee, Urban Planning Society of China


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