文章信息:Shu-Shi Peng, Shilong Piao, Zhenzhong Zeng, Philippe Ciais, Liming Zhou, Laurent Z. X. Li, Ranga B. Myneni, Yi Yin, Hui Zeng. (2014). Afforestation in China cools local land surface temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(8), 2915-2919. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1315126111.
Abstract: China has the largest afforested area in the world (∼62 million hectares in 2008), and these forests are carbon sinks. The climatic effect of these new forests depends on how radiant and turbulent energy fluxes over these plantations modify surface temperature. For instance, a lower albedo may cause warming, which negates the climatic benefits of carbon sequestration. Here, we used satellite measurements of land surface temperature (LST) from planted forests and adjacent grasslands or croplands in China to understand how afforestation affects LST. Afforestation is found to decrease daytime LST by about 1.1 ± 0.5 °C (mean ± 1 SD) and to increase nighttime LST by about 0.2 ± 0.5 °C, on average. The observed daytime cooling is a result of increased evapotranspiration. The nighttime warming is found to increase with latitude and decrease with average rainfall. Afforestation in dry regions therefore leads to net warming, as daytime cooling is offset by nighttime warming. Thus, it is necessary to carefully consider where to plant trees to realize potential climatic benefits in future afforestation projects.
摘要:中国拥有世界上最大的造林面积(2008年约6200万公顷),这些森林是碳汇。这些新森林的气候效应取决于这些人工林上的辐射和湍流能量通量如何改变地表温度。例如,较低的反照率可能导致变暖,从而抵消了碳封存对气候的好处。本文利用卫星测量的中国人工林和邻近草地或农田的地表温度(LST)来了解造林对地表温度的影响。研究发现,造林可使白天地表温度平均降低1.1±0.5°C(平均±1 SD),使夜间地表温度平均升高0.2±0.5°C。观测到的白天变冷是蒸散量增加的结果。夜间变暖随纬度的增加而增加,随平均降雨量的减少而减少。因此,干旱地区的植树造林导致净变暖,因为白天的降温被夜间的升温所抵消。因此,在未来的造林工程中,有必要仔细考虑植树的地点,以实现潜在的气候效益。
图 中国造林的空间分布与40×40km样地
图 2003-2010年中国人工造林地与临近的自然林地、草地、耕地的年均日间(10:30 AM∼13:30 PM)、夜间(23:30 PM∼01:30 AM)地表温度差异
图 2003-2010年中国北部人工造林地与临近草地、耕地日间/夜间地表温度、反照率、蒸散率平均季节周期变化