
NC | 2016 气候变暖对我国小麦产量影响


文章信息:Zhao Chuang, Piao Shilong, Huang Yao, Wang Xuhui, Philippe Ciais, Huang Mengtian, Zeng Zhenzhong & Peng Shushi. (2016). Field warming experiments shed light on the wheat yield response to temperature in China. Nature Communications: 7(1), 13530. https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms13530



Abstract: Wheat growth is sensitive to temperature, but the effect of future warming on yield is uncertain. Here, focusing on China, we compiled 46 observations of the sensitivity of wheat yield to temperature change (SY,T, yield change per °C) from field warming experiments and 102SY,Testimates from local process-based and statistical models. The averageSY,Tfrom field warming experiments, local process-based models and statistical models is −0.7±7.8(±s.d.)% per °C, −5.7±6.5% per °C and 0.4±4.4% per °C, respectively. Moreover,SY,Tis different across regions and warming experiments indicate positiveSY,Tvalues in regions where growing-season mean temperature is low, and water supply is not limiting, and negative values elsewhere. Gridded crop model simulations from the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project appear to capture the spatial pattern ofSY,Tdeduced from warming observations. These results from local manipulative experiments could be used to improve crop models in the future.


Figure 2

图 中国小麦种植分布比例和产量的空间模式

(a)中国六个生产区的小麦种植比例。NE、NW、NC、SE、SW、QT分别代表中国东北部、中国西北部、华北、华东南部、中国西南部和青藏地区。(b)不同方法的SY、T的区域差异(均值±标准误)。分析中使用的观测数量显示在每个柱状图的上方。地图是使用Matlab R2014b创建的。


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