
NS | 2020 植树造林对土壤有机碳储量的影响


文章信息:Hong Songbai, Yin Guodong, Piao Shilong, Ray Dybzinski, Cong Nan, Li Xiangyi, Wang Kai, Josep Peñuelas, Zeng Hui, & Chen Anping. (2020). Divergent responses of soil organic carbon to afforestation. Nature Sustainability: 3(9), 694–700. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-020-0557-y



Abstract:Large-scale afforestation is regarded as an effective natural climate solution. However, afforestation-induced changes in soil organic C (SOC) are poorly quantified due to the paucity of large-scale sampling data. Here, we provide the first comprehensive assessment of the afforestation impact on SOC stocks with a pairwise comparative study of samples from 619 control-and-afforested plot pairs in northern China. We found context-dependent effects of afforestation on SOC: afforestation increases SOC density (SOCD) in C-poor soils but decreases SOCD in C-rich soils, especially in deeper soil. Thus, the fixed biomass/SOC ratio assumed in previous studies could overestimate the SOC enhancement by afforestation. By extrapolating the sampling data to the entire region, we estimate that afforestation increased SOC stocks in northern China by only 234.9 ± 9.6 TgC over the last three decades. The study highlights the importance of including pre-afforestation soil properties in models of soil carbon dynamics and carbon sink projections.

摘要:大规模植树被视为一种有效的自然气候解决方案。然而,由于大规模取样数据的匮乏,人们对植树造成的土壤有机碳(SOC)变化知之甚少。在这里,我们进行了第一次全面评估植树对SOC储量的影响,通过对中国北方619对对照和植树地块样品进行成对比较研究。我们发现植树对SOC的影响与情境有关:在碳贫瘠的土壤中,植树会增加SOC密度(SOCD),但在富碳土壤中,特别是在深层土壤中,会降低SOCD. 因此,在先前研究中假定的固定生物量/SOC比可能会高估植树对SOC的增加。通过将取样数据推广到整个地区,我们估计在过去三十年里,植树使中国北方SOC库存仅增加了234.9 ±9.6 TgC。该研究突出了在土壤碳动态模型和碳汇预测中包括植树前土壤特性的重要性。

Fig. 1

Fig. 1

图 ΔSOCD的空间分布

a、 ΔSOCD的空间分布,其中颜色与b.b中条形图使用的颜色相同。


Fig. 2

图 ΔSOCD的控制因素

a、 ΔSOCD和SOCD_c之间的关系。实线来自六组中每一组和所有合并组的OLS回归。b、 ∆SOCD对六个物种群的SOCD_c的依赖性。c、 具有不同SOCD_c.d的组中SOCD变化的平均厚度的垂直比较(每层的∆SOCD除以层深度),林分年龄对SOCD年均变化的影响。SOCD的年平均变化计算为∆SOCD除以相应的林分年龄。在b、c和d中,进行了具有错误发现率(FDR)校正的独立样本t检验,将每组的数据与0.*、**进行比较和***表明零假设可以分别在P<0.05、0.01和0.001时被拒绝。误差条表示标准误差。


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