
S-Bulletin | 2024 狩猎采集如何向农业转型?4900年前的云南考古遗址给出答案


文章来源:Ma Minmin, Lu Minxia, Sun Rui, Zhu Zhonghua, Fuller Dorian Q., Guo Jianxin, He Guanglin, Yang Xiaomin, Tan Lingling, Lu Yongxiu, Dong Jiajia, Liu Ruiliang, Yang Jishuai, Li Bo, Guo Tiannan, Li Xiaorui, Zhao Dongyue, Zhang Ying, Wang Chuan-Chao, Dong Guanghui.(2024). Forager-farmer transition at the crossroads of East and Southeast Asia 4900 years ago. Science Bulletin: 69(1): 103-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scib.2023.10.015.



Abstract: The southward expansion of East Asian farmers profoundly influenced the social evolution of Southeast Asia by introducing cereal agriculture. However, the timing and routes of cereal expansion in key regions are unclear due to limited empirical evidence. Here we report macrofossil, microfossil, multiple isotopic (C/N/Sr/O) and paleoproteomic data directly from radiocarbon-dated human samples, which were unearthed from a site in Xingyi in central Yunnan and which date between 7000 and 3300 a BP. Dietary isotopes reveal the earliest arrival of millet ca. 4900 a BP, and greater reliance on plant and animal agriculture was indicated between 3800 and 3300 a BP. The dietary differences between hunter-gatherer and agricultural groups are also evident in the metabolic and immune system proteins analysed from their skeletal remains. The results of paleoproteomic analysis indicate that humans had divergent biological adaptations, with and without farming. The combined application of isotopes, archaeobotanical data and proteomics provides a new approach to documenting dietary and health changes across major subsistence transitions.


图 新石器晚期-青铜时代粟黍在青藏高原东缘和东南亚地区的分布

图 兴义遗址生存策略三阶段模式变化

图 农业出现前后人群代谢和免疫蛋白质方面的显著差异



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