
N-HSSC | 2024 应用级的古文献溯源分析系统


文章来源:Jun Wang, Siyu Duan, Binghao Fu, Liangcai Gao & Qi Su. (2024). Evol project: a comprehensive online platform for quantitative analysis of ancient literature. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications: 11, 291. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-024-02763-6.



Abstract: Quantitative cultural studies have witnessed a surge with the rapid development of computer technology in recent years. Since ancient literature constitutes a long-time-span repository for human culture, with quantitative methods and ancient texts, scholars can study the genesis and progression of human history and society across historical epochs from digital perspectives. Nevertheless, traditional humanities scholars often lack the requisite technical skills, creating a demand for interactive platforms. This paper introduces the Evol platform—an online tool designed for the quantitative analysis of ancient literature. Equipped with various analysis functions and visualization tools, the Evol platform allows users to quantify literary documents through intuitive online interaction. Using this platform, we investigated three cases of cultural evolution in ancient Chinese history: (1) the changing attitude of the government towards nomadic ethnic groups; (2) the formulation and propagation of an allusion phrase related to the Battle of Muye; (3) the influence of the Book of Changes across diverse cultural domains. By showcasing cases across diverse semantic units and topics, Evol demonstrates its potential in providing efficient and low-cost experimental tools catering to the realms of culturomics, history, and philology.

摘要:近年来,随着计算机技术的飞速发展,定量文化研究蓬勃发展。由于古代文学构成了一个长时间跨度的人类文化宝库,借助定量方法和古代文本,学者们可以从数字的角度研究人类历史和社会在不同历史时期的发生和发展。然而,传统的人文学者往往缺乏必要的技术技能,这就产生了对互动平台的需求。本文介绍了Evol平台——一个为古代文献定量分析而设计的在线工具。Evol平台配备了各种分析功能和可视化工具,用户可以通过直观的在线交互对文学文献进行量化。利用这一平台,我们考察了中国古代历史上的三个文化演变案例: (1)政府对游牧民族态度的变化; (2)与牧野之战有关的典故短语的制定和传播; (3)《易经》在不同文化领域的影响。通过展示不同语义单位和主题的案例,Evol展示了其在提供高效、低成本的实验工具方面的潜力,这些实验工具迎合了文化学、历史和文字学领域。

图 文本重用分析功能

图 中国古代历史上对游牧民族负面情绪的演变



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