
PNAS | 2024 唐代社会流动性:科举制兴起与贵族家族血统的衰落 618-907年


文章来源:Fangqi Wena, b, Erik H. Wangc, and Michael Hout. (2024). Social mobility in the Tang Dynasty as the Imperial Examination rose and aristocratic family pedigree declined, 618–907 CE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(4), e2305564121. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2305564121.



Abstract: Data from the distant past are fertile ground for testing social science theories of education and social mobility. In this study, we construct a dataset from 3,640 tomb epitaphs of males in China’s Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE), which contain granular and extensive information about the ancestral origins, family background, and career histories of the deceased elites. Our statistical analysis of the complete profiles yields evidence of the transition away from an aristocratic society in three key trends: 1) family pedigree (i.e., aristocracy) mattered less for career achievement over time, 2) passing the Imperial Examination (Keju) became an increasingly important predictor of one’s career achievement, and 3) father’s position always mattered throughout the Tang, especially for men who did not pass the Keju. The twilight of medieval Chinese aristocracy, according to the data, began in as early as the mid-seventh century CE.


图 唐代已故精英(杜忠良)墓志拓本


图 官职分布在唐代精英阶层中


图 随着时间的推移,祖先分支、科居成功率和父亲级别对职位级别的影响的估计(95%置信区间的点估计)



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