文章信息:Meng Ding,Peirong Lin,Shang Gao,Jida Wang,Zhenzhong Zeng,KaihaoZheng,XudongZhou,Dai Yamazaki,Yige Gao&Yu Liu.Reversal of the levee effect towards sustainable floodplain management. NatureSustainability:6, 1578–1586. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-023-01202-9.
Abstract:Levees constrain roaring floodwater but are blamed for reducing people’s perception of flood risks and promoting floodplain human settlements unprepared for high-consequence flood events. Yet the interplay between levee construction and floodplain development remains poorly quantified, obscuring an objective assessment of human–water relations. Here, to quantitatively assess how floodplain urban expansion is linked to levee construction, we develop a multiscale composite analysis framework leveraging a national levee database and decades of annual land-cover maps. We find that in the contiguous United States, levee construction is associated with a 62% acceleration in floodplain urban expansion, outpacing that of the county (29%), highlighting a clear change in risk perception after levees are built. Regions historically lacking strong momentum for population growth while experiencing frequent floods tend to rely more strongly on levees and we suggest these areas to develop a more diversified portfolio to cope with floods. Temporally, the positive levee effect is found to have weakened and then reversed since the late 1970s, reflecting the role of legislative regulations to suppress floodplain urban expansion. Our quantitative framework sheds light on how structural and non-structural measures jointly influence floodplain urban growth patterns. It also provides a viable framework to objectively assess the floodplain management strategies currently in place, which may provide useful guidance for managing flood risks towards sustainable development goals.
图 LE的综合分析,集中在毗邻的美国
a、LE的概念图。b、 四个选定地点的卫星图像暗示了洪泛平原内的城市发展(从左至右:宾夕法尼亚州拉克斯维尔;肯塔基州路易斯维尔;加利福尼亚州奇科;新墨西哥州阿尔伯克基)。c、d,防洪堤保护的泛滥平原(Up,c)和各县(Uc,d)的城市面积(103 km2)的综合分析。X轴将城市扩张时间序列划分为筑堤年T0前后的年份,其中将美国所有筑堤位置相加进行综合分析;k表示线性城市扩张率。背景世界图像地图来源:Esri、Maxer、GeoEye、Earthstar Geographics、CNES/空中客车DS、USDA、USGS、AeroGRID、IGN和GIS用户社区。
图 LE的空间模式
a、 流域(HUC2,a)和州一级(b)的LE(e)。c、 堤防建设后有限城市扩张的示例案例(位置1-4,在a中标记为绿色方块)。d、 相反的情况(位置5-8,在a中标记为绿色三角形)。在c和d中,左图显示了大堤所在的县和邻近的河流;右图显示了T0−10和T0+10的城市变化(红色表示新增的城市面积)。a和b中的圆圈表示防洪堤保护的泛滥平原的总面积;面积越大,城市扩展曲线越平滑,这对于空间复合分析的有效性来说是有效的。NA表示缺乏堤防竣工年份或足够的计算数据。在1号和2号地点,修建了防洪堤以保护当地农业区;在3号和4号位置,防洪堤建造之前,泛滥平原已经完全城市化。由于可修改的面积单元问题和堤防的分散分布,预计a和b之间不一致是合理的;在这里,我们更多地关注解释结果的突出一致性。
图 LE的时间动力学。
图 说明防洪堤在洪水风险管理中的作用的概念图。