
Nature | 卫星图像显示受洪水影响的人口比例增加


文章信息:B. Tellman, J. A. Sullivan, C. Kuhn, A. J. Kettner, C. S. Doyle, G. R. Brakenridge, T. A. Erickson, & D. A. Slayback. (2021). Satellite imaging reveals increased proportion of population exposed to floods. Nature: 596(7870), 80–86. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-021-03695-w



Abstract: Flooding affects more people than any other environmental hazard and hinders sustainable development1,2. Investing in flood adaptation strategies may reduce the loss of life and livelihood caused by floods3. Where and how floods occur and who is exposed are changing as a result of rapid urbanization4, flood mitigation infrastructure5and increasing settlements in floodplains6. Previous estimates of the global flood-exposed population have been limited by a lack of observational data, relying instead on models, which have high uncertainty3,7,8,9,10,11. Here we use daily satellite imagery at 250-metre resolution to estimate flood extent and population exposure for 913 large flood events from 2000 to 2018. We determine a total inundation area of 2.23 million square kilometres, with 255–290 million people directly affected by floods. We estimate that the total population in locations with satellite-observed inundation grew by 58–86 million from 2000 to 2015. This represents an increase of 20 to 24 per cent in the proportion of the global population exposed to floods, ten times higher than previous estimates7. Climate change projections for 2030 indicate that the proportion of the population exposed to floods will increase further. The high spatial and temporal resolution of the satellite observations will improve our understanding of where floods are changing and how best to adapt. The global flood database generated from these observations will help to improve vulnerability assessments, the accuracy of global and local flood models, the efficacy of adaptation interventions and our understanding of the interactions between landcover change, climate and floods.


图 全球洪水数据库的汇总统计数据。 a,每个国家的全球洪水数据库中的洪水事件数量(颜色比例),以及每个洪水事件的质心位置和面积(圆圈)。没有观察结果的国家/地区呈灰色阴影(NA,不可用)。 b,每个国家的总暴露人口(圆圈)和暴露面积(色标)(2000-2015 年累计)。 c,全球年度人口估计(右轴,红色阴影;上限,GHSL;下限,HRSL)和淹没面积(左轴,蓝线)。在第二颗卫星 (MODIS Aqua) 发射之前,2000 年和 2001 年遭受洪水影响的人口和面积较低,从而增加了绘制洪水地图的可能性。

图 观测选定极端事件的洪水和洪水持续时间。 a、b,全球洪水数据库中死亡率最高的事件(a;2008 年缅甸纳尔吉斯气旋;大约 100,000 人)和恢复成本最高的事件(b)观测到的超过永久水量的洪水(来自联合研究计划25) ;美国卡特里娜飓风,2005 年;600 亿美元)。 c、d,全球洪水数据库中估计暴露程度最高(c;印度和孟加拉国,2004 年;2700 万人暴露)和面积最大(d;俄罗斯,2003 年;98,000 平方公里)的事件的洪水持续时间超过永久水)。



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