
N-CE & E | 2023 洪水生成过程的变化加剧了欧洲的区域洪水异常


文章来源:Larisa Tarasova, David Lun, Ralf Merz, Günter Blöschl, Stefano Basso, Miriam Bertola, Arianna Miniussi, Oldrich Rakovec, Luis Samaniego, Stephan Thober, Rohini Kumar. (2023). Shifts in flood generation processes exacerbate regional flood anomalies in Europe. Nature Communications Earth & Environment: 4, 49. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-00714-8.



Abstract: Anomalies in the frequency of river floods, i.e., flood-rich or -poor periods, cause biases in flood risk estimates and thus make climate adaptation measures less efficient. While observations have recently confirmed the presence of flood anomalies in Europe, their exact causes are not clear. Here we analyse streamflow and climate observations during 1960-2010 to show that shifts in flood generation processes contribute more to the occurrence of regional flood anomalies than changes in extreme rainfall. A shift from rain on dry soil to rain on wet soil events by 5% increased the frequency of flood-rich periods in the Atlantic region, and an opposite shift in the Mediterranean region increased the frequency of flood-poor periods, but will likely make singular extreme floods occur more often. Flood anomalies driven by changing flood generation processes in Europe may further intensify in a warming climate and should be considered in flood estimation and management.


图 欧洲集水区洪水生成过程频率的变化

图 欧洲四个地区(北部、大西洋、地中海和中阿尔卑斯)洪水生成过程的变化

图 不同洪水过程的洪水量级的区域概率分布

图 欧洲四个地区洪水生成过程的区域洪水异常和变化

图 洪水生成过程和极端降水中时间变化的一般优势(额外贡献)



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