
NW | 2023 国家水文连通性分类将湿地与河流水质联系起来


文章来源:Scott G. Leibowitz, Ryan A. Hill, Irena F. Creed, Jana E. Compton, Heather E. Golden, Marc H. Weber, Mark C. Rains, Chas E. Jones Jr, E. Henry Lee, Jay R. Christensen, Rebecca A. Bellmore, Charles R. Lane. (2023). National hydrologic connectivity classification links wetlands with stream water quality. Nature Water: 1, 370–380. https://doi.org/10.1038/s44221-023-00057-w



Abstract: Wetland hydrologic connections to downstream waters influence stream water quality. However, no systematic approach for characterizing this connectivity exists. Here using physical principles, we categorized conterminous US freshwater wetlands into four hydrologic connectivity classes based on stream contact and flowpath depth to the nearest stream: riparian, non-riparian shallow, non-riparian mid-depth and non-riparian deep. These classes were heterogeneously distributed over the conterminous United States; for example, riparian dominated the south-eastern and Gulf coasts, while non-riparian deep dominated the Upper Midwest and High Plains. Analysis of a national stream dataset indicated acidification and organic matter brownification increased with connectivity. Eutrophication and sedimentation decreased with wetland area but did not respond to connectivity. This classification advances our mechanistic understanding of wetland influences on water quality nationally and could be applied globally.


图 湿地水文连通性分类

图 全美溪流流域的湿地特征

图 基于线性混合效应模型的四组河流成分与湿地水文连通性之间的关系



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