文章信息:Shuqing Zhao, Shuguang Liu, & Decheng Zhou. (2016). Prevalent vegetation growth enhancement in urban environment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: 113(22), 6313–6318. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1602312113
Abstract: Urbanization, a dominant global demographic trend, leads to various changes in environments (e.g., atmospheric CO2 increase, urban heat island). Cities experience global change decades ahead of other systems so that they are natural laboratories for studying responses of other nonurban biological ecosystems to future global change. However, the impacts of urbanization on vegetation growth are not well understood. Here, we developed a general conceptual framework for quantifying the impacts of urbanization on vegetation growth and applied it in 32 Chinese cities. Results indicated that vegetation growth, as surrogated by satellite-observed vegetation index, decreased along urban intensity across all cities. At the same time, vegetation growth was enhanced at 85% of the places along the intensity gradient, and the relative enhancement increased with urban intensity. This growth enhancement offset about 40% of direct loss of vegetation productivity caused by replacing productive vegetated surfaces with nonproductive impervious surfaces. In light of current and previous field studies, we conclude that vegetation growth enhancement is prevalent in urban settings. Urban environments do provide ideal natural laboratories to observe biological responses to environmental changes that are difficult to mimic in manipulative experiments. However, one should be careful in extrapolating the finding to nonurban environments because urban vegetation is usually intensively managed, and attribution of the responses to diverse driving forces will be challenging but must be pursued.

图 概念图显示了城市化对城市强度梯度沿线植被条件的影响

图 示例显示了2011年中国32个城市MODIS EVI(无量纲)对城市强度(β,无量纲)的各种响应
绿线、蓝线和红线分别是观测到的EVI(圆圈)、背景EVI Vv(即回归的y截距)和Vzi或没有城市影响的EVI的三次回归。除拉萨外,所有回归均显著(α=0.05)。

图 EVI与城市强度β之间的关系